I am a firm believer that we need to build peace from the ground up and the top down, so promoting practices that provide peace within, conflict resolution skills, restorative justice and practices, plus institutional heft through offices of peace in cities, and nations. We have been promoting HR 1111 a Congressional bill by Rep. Barbara Lee to create a cabinet-level U.S. Department of Peacebuilding and now a state level office through California Assembly Bill 656 to creats an Office of Healthy and Safe Communities sited in the new CA Surgeon General’s office to promote violence prevention policies, practices, and programs.
2.What stands in the way of peace is lack of imagination and knowledge that peace is truly possible. The Metta Center for Nonviolence teaches that we need to create a new story of peace and nonviolence. So they and I collect and share stories of people using nonviolence to create peace.
I am a firm believer that we need to build peace from the ground up and the top down, so promoting practices that provide peace within, conflict resolution skills, restorative justice and practices, plus institutional heft through offices of peace in cities, and nations. We have been promoting HR 1111 a Congressional bill by Rep. Barbara Lee to create a cabinet-level U.S. Department of Peacebuilding and now a state level office through California Assembly Bill 656 to creats an Office of Healthy and Safe Communities sited in the new CA Surgeon General’s office to promote violence prevention policies, practices, and programs.
2.What stands in the way of peace is lack of imagination and knowledge that peace is truly possible. The Metta Center for Nonviolence teaches that we need to create a new story of peace and nonviolence. So they and I collect and share stories of people using nonviolence to create peace.
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